Sunday 9 June 2013

Byk dugaan yg tmbul dlm rlay kmi tp kmi ttap strong ntuk mghadapi smua dugaan :D. #No matter how hard u try, u can't stop us now.

Friday 24 May 2013


knpa llki ni kuat mnipu? sdgkn kw mmg sda tw hal sbnar , dy mati2 juga menafikan? knp sy mst jmpa llki bgni lg -.- knp mst prgai llki yg sma sy jmp tiap kli sy sda suka? sy tw bh dy p jmpa , kwn sa sndri lg npk. tp apa alasan yg dy bg? trus hilang bh feel sy. wlaupun kmi kpel skg, tp tda suda ba prsaan sy yg mcm dlu. sy twar hati sda. ntahla. sy pn ndtau knp jd bgni. sy ndtau sda mw handle cmna. dri mula dy bwt prgai, pertwma kali, lpas ja dy comp di gmart tu, dy mrah2 sy . then kc tinggl. sy sms, dy nda bls 2 hari. ok sy trma. tpi yg pling bkin skit hati lg, bla sy suru kwan sy sms pura2 slah number, mcm nda smpai 1 saat dy blas sda -.- and i know dy bsms sma ex dy time tu. prgai kdua dy mula bwt, time bulan 4 thun lalu, ndtau makhluk tuhan mna yg muncul ni tiba2. ex dia knun. rancak lg drg bpost , comment , tag gambar, wish goodnight. ee disgusting. dlam hati sy , tu pmpuan x npk ka relation kami? atau mmg c fadz p hide tu time? then sudenly tu pmpuan add sy -.- sna la sy npk lg post dy '' dgr lagu with - fadz hico'' automatic, mcm kna hntak batu oh sy pya jantung. drg mmg sweet tu time, dgn rsa nda hormatnya. c fadz lg p tag gmbar c akmal tmpat dy . start sna la yg sy skit hti tlmpau. smpai sy mluah tmpat c bone. dy sndri heran , mcm brelationship ja tu dua makhluk -.- sna sy brbis mnta brek. tp c fadz xmau. alasan drg cuma kwn sja. tp? hakikat dy sy, drg ada perasaan sesama sndri. nda lma tu ex dy pn p msg sy dfb, ui kw slah fham gni2. byk la dy ckp. smpai dy sms lg -.- why so penyibuk ?? klau sda suka tu kpel sjalah. nda juga tmha bh sy. then dy jjur sma sy, dy blg, kmi sbnarnya ad prsaan stu sma lain. adeda . mls la sy crta tu. sy tw drg  mc blyan lg. smpai la skg. asl kmi bgdu mst dia sma pmpuan sja. sy xpna pun c timbul hal, blik2 psl llki. pernah lg dy minta varsity sma tu pmpuan , gelang. nda rsa bdoh ka bgtu? dri sna sy mlsd sda mw serius sma dy, sy mula mlas mw lyan dy. apa nda, tdk ckup barang2 , tiket mw p kl pun dy mnta blnja sma tu pmpua -.- hmm sy buka fb , lgsung x conversation dy sma tu pmpua. knp pdam? melainkan dlu drg mmg ada apa2? chat pun. smua pmpuan. wish birthday sgala, mnta transfer pmpuan. llki apa bgtu? mkin masih di ambang kdwasaan kali kn. dlu kwan sy c B**W npk drg dsuria , dia , kazen dy , ada stu lg llki, and pmpuan. enjoy together dsuria. tp dy ctau sy lain -.- dy ckp mw bttle then jalan awl pagi lagi. tau2 mw p bjumpa pula. tahun lalu 2 kali drg jumpa yg sy tau , bulan 6 sma bulan 12. byk lg bh yg dy nda ctau sy tu. tp hati sy sndri boleh rsa bh. wlau cmna skli dy mnta tlg kwan ka p explain tmpat sy , wlau brbis cmna pn dy mw mnafikan, klau sy tw tu pkra mmg btul dan sy rsa btul. sy percaya yg benda tu TERJADI. byk bh pglman sa sda kna bwt bgtu, jd kw blm ckup experience mw tipu sa. tdi pun sy mw buka fb , kna tukar mah password. hahaha knpa? mw ctw tu pmpuan yg kw sda knptan ka? bgus brek sja mcm ni . sy bru mw ok2 skit, kw bwt lg bgni !@! kima . sial bh. haih.

Sunday 19 May 2013

what ?

wowww . such a decade i didnt update my blog >< im soooo busy now hummm :(  im officially 16 and yeahh im a bookworm already . spending my time with reading this reading that reading everyyyything . need to struggle hard lahh kalau sudah naik menengah atas ni. tak bole main2 dahh hehekk. i miss how ACTIVE i am on blog long time ago.. finding/gain a follower of my blog everyday and noww? sorry i am too lazy to do that hahaha XD but still I spent my childhood with beneficial things.*maybe?* hihi . as everyone know like all schools throughout Malaysia , kita exammmm ! >< mei ini dipanggil bulan -stress- Yeke? hihi yang ad study tuu mmg cnfom 'macam kacang jee' . hmmm holiday pls come fast. i really need you . gahaha . okay masa ni jeles ngan i soo later klau ad msa shera update lagi :3 babai takecare! muahmuahhh xoxox

Friday 8 February 2013


I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow simply because life is too short to cry for anything. heheee suddenly ! we've reached our goal. 1year we've been together ;') darlaaa, its
not easy for us to get here, too many trials and challenges we have been through alsoo too many obstacles for us to united. I am grateful to the up there, because he want us till stick together :) and there's some people who does not want us to be together , but who care baby ? Life is too big to be intimidated by small opinions :) whats mine will be always mine forever and ever and ever ! im so lucky :') happy anniversary darling , iloveyousoomuchiesss muahh :* xoxoxoxo

Monday 28 January 2013

sick.didn't go to school

good weather makes me sick >< tidak ketentuan ni cuaca skg kn. haha how to start? im bored now. ones here.makes me wondering apalah yang sedang berlaku disekolah huh? how abt my fads? selalu lpas pulang schh mesti pg pondok.dia yang setia menungguku hehe.. flu go away pls? i ddn't need you -,- hmm. thats all.gonna take sme restt. xoxo ;*

Sunday 27 January 2013

spending time together 27 jan

helo dear blogerrs? how are y'all? fine? hehexx , actually im really happy now :) bcus of him. aww he makes my day soo great. until the part yang mau balik , susahhh mau kasih tggal dia>< naik krta then dy ikut hntar smpai dpan rumah. pagar rumah. hmmmm we've been together since 1 February last year -2012- mygod . and this friday will be our first year anniversary. yess, to me you're priceless. i love youu so badly. your eyes , your smile , your style , your attitude makes u more attractive anddd thats why i love you and thats the way i love you andd andd andd .. hahaha just sayin :) pls dont go awayy . PLEASE DON'T BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE . bcus whats mine is always mine . muahhh xoxo ! goodnight !

Wednesday 9 January 2013


hello bloggerssss? so how are you todayy? lambat already nie kan? hehe. besok mau school ! tapi tapi, humm . mata ni belum mau tertutup pula. im so tiredd luh tadi tapi tiba2 nda mgantuk pula.mau ceritaa abt mylife for awhile. cann? hehe hmm ,yesss almost 1year and im soooo excited . know what? only you the only one who has given me a real sense of love. i tell you, before this I never know what exactly the meaning of love. You also taught me how to love someone. it feels so hard to live without your presence. haha Love is so deep that I was convinced that he was the only man who would marry me: ') let me talk about him for a while hehe. omg. too many plans we have made. he also promised to marry me hahaha XD am I annoying?  who caresss. ohh fad, im so madly inlove with youuu. xoxo shera :)